Saturday, February 14, 2009


Why am I not allowed to be Wiccan?
Why am I not allowed to practice Witchcraft?
Why do Christians harass me and tell me that Jesus is the only way to salvation?

That really bothers me. Christians need to understand that their bible only applies to the religion of Christianity. That is one religion out of thousands of religions. I believe everyone has their own path to follow. Recently I've been getting harassing messages on my YouTube page by some Christian who keeps telling me to repent. I have no reason to repent because I am not doing anything wrong.

I just want to know why Christians think theirs is the only way. I can't believe in the bible. I just can't. I can't believe that everyone is a sinner. I try to be a little more positive than that. I can't believe that homosexuality is wrong. I can't believe women are lesser than men. I can't believe the bible is the word of some deity, when it's written by man. I don't have a problem with people who are Christian. I just have a problem with them telling me I'm wrong when I don't have a reason to believe in their religion. I just can't.

I tried to let Jesus in. Nothing happened. Then as I explored spirituality, I came across Wicca. When I started to practice, I felt something. It was more than I have ever felt when I tried to read the bible (and yes, I read a good number of books in the bible). I feel the presence of the Goddess and the God when I cast a ritual circle. That's how I know that what I practice is right for me. The goddess gives me strength in times of need and strength. Jesus and the Christian god was never there for me. So why should I be there for him and believe in him? I just can't.

So please, all Christians everywhere, I love discussing religion and having a healthy religious debate, but don't expect me to change my views.

Don't force me to believe as you do.
Don't tell me I'm going to hell, a place I don't believe exists.
Don't send me messages telling me to repent.
Don't quote the bible.

That's another thing. Christians are always quoting the bible. Can't you think for yourself? Don't believe the bible because someone tells you it's the truth. Go on a spiritual journey and make sure you know why you believe in the bible. Only then can you find your own spiritual truth. If it's Christianity, that's great. You've found your path. But please realize that Jesus is not the only way, and leave the Pagans alone. Leave the Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Zoroastrians, and everyone else alone.

I know why I believe what I believe. Do you?

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