Saturday, February 14, 2009

It's That Time of Year Again...

***this has been in my private files since December 17, 2008; only now have I posted it on my blog***

As everyone knows, that time of year is upon us. It's a time of family, a time of good times, and a time of...religion? Wait a second. I live in a society that largely celebrates Christmas. However, I noticed that the other special days are forgotten. Christmas is not the only thing celebrated this time of year. There's also Hannukah, Kwanzaa, and many other festivals most people have never heard of. Then there's Yule.

Yule is what I celebrate, as a Pagan. It falls on the winter solstice each year, around December 21. For me, it is the rebirth of the Sun God from the Mother Goddess. To people who aren't familiar with Paganism, that may seem strange, but to me, that is my belief. A lot of what we do on Yule is similar to Christmas. We still exchange gifts and cards, we decorate trees, we sing carols, we have religious ceremonies. Actually, most of those traditions originally come from Paganism, but most people don't know that.

I don't mean to offend people, but when I say I don't celebrate Christmas as a religious holiday, some people do tend to not take it so well. They ask me how I could possibly not see how 'Jesus is the reason for the season'. I just say that I don't follow Christianity. I have my own religious observances and beliefs. Unfortunately, some people can't take that as an answer. Then I'm given the whole spiel about how I'm going to hell because I haven't accepted Jesus as my lord and saviour. Add a few bible quotes into the mix and a very uncomfortable situation is created.

I don't get offended when someone wishes me a Merry Christmas. However, I do get offended when someone tells me my religious beliefs-something I hold very dear to my heart-are wrong. There are people who don't understand that there are so many belief systems that how could only one be right? Then I'm told that the bible says Jesus is the only way to God. But what they don't realize is that the bible only applies to Christians who follow that faith.

All I'm asking during this holiday season is that you remember everyone. Don't get offended when someone wishes you a Blessed Yule, Happy Hannukah, or Merry Christmas. Smile, and offer your own best wishes in return.

We live in the best country in the world: CANADA. One thing that makes me proud to be Canadian is our freedom. There are so many things we take for granted. Our freedom is one of those things. Many countries don't have the same freedom we do. Please keep in mind that everyone has the right to follow whatever religion they choose, and believe what they believe, and celebrate what religious holidays they observe. Why don't we all just live and let live? Remember what the holiday season is all about. It's about acceptance. And spending time with those you love.

So, to those who are reading this that are Christian, I wish you a Merry Christmas. To any Jewish readers, Happy Hannukah. And to my fellow Wiccans and Pagans, Blessed Yule. And to all a good night.

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