Saturday, February 14, 2009

Things You Didn't Know About Me Until Now...

1. I am currently undergoing a complete life makeover. I went through a dark period in my life throughout December. With the help of a couple friends, I was able to pick myself up and start to work towards some life changes.

2. My first so-called celebrity crush was He-Man. There's something about a guy with muscles and a sword!

3. I absolutely love storms. Storms of all kinds. During thunderstorms, I'm the one who runs outside and dances in the rain as the lightning shoots through the sky. I also love snowstorms. I like to have snowball fights during blizzards. I was the one who went out in White Juan with my video camera. I also love watching storms from inside.

4. I am a practicing witch. My religion is Wicca.

5. When I was in grade 12, I started my own online fan club for the Adventures of Sinbad, that had over 100 members all over the world. I was the Captain and had my own First Mate. We also had newsletters, committees, events, and websites. I spent most of my time on the club.

6. I worship the ancient Egyptian goddesses and gods. Some people think that is strange, but I relate more with the Egyptian deities than I do with any other god figure.

7. I write books. I have been writing most of my life. I don't have any published yet. I am working on a historical romance based on the Halifax Explosion. That one's my baby that I've been working on for at least ten years.

8. I am an empath. I feel what other people are feeling. When I'm in a room and someone walks in, I can quickly feel their mood. This can be a good thing, in that I understand other people. It can also be a bad thing because it affects me and my feelings. I am learning to block people so that I am not affected by others, and use the talent when I need to, instead of all the time.

9. I absolutely despise green beans. I can't even look at them. I don't care how healthy they are, green beans will not pass my lips.

10. I am musically talented. I have been playing piano since elementary school. I also know how to play guitar, percussion (xylophone, drums), tinwhistle, recorder, and at one time I even tried mandolin.

11. I can speak both English and French. I am learning Dutch, since my Dad's family is from the Netherlands. I also know a lot of sign language.

12. I can be an extremely emotional person. Just about anything will make me cry. Frustration and stress are the big things. I also cry out of happiness.

13. I love to travel. I've been to Scotland and England. I have also been to Kentucky, Maine, and Missouri in the USA. The Canadian provinces I've been to were: Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Ontario, and Alberta. I want to travel much more, especially to Egypt and the Netherlands.

14. I am a huge fan of the rock band Queen. My favourite song has always been We Are The Champions. Their music has helped me through tough times in my life. There's a song for every situation. I have all their albums in vinyl, cassette, and CD. I also have all their DVDs they released, and some VHS. I can sing 95% of their songs without missing words.

15. I love dogs. I've always had an affinity with dogs. I connect with dogs very easily. I love them and they love me. I love to play with them and walk them and spend time with them.

16. I am lefthanded. You'd think life would be difficult because of that, but I learned to deal.

17. I won the first Employee of the Month award they had at Wendy's while I was working there. I got a cake, a 50$ cheque, and a name on the plaque. I worked my butt off prior to receiving the award.

18. I am a hopeless romantic. I have the mindset: "Why can't real life be like movies or Harlequin romances?" I love romance and chivalry. Romance and love is more important to me than anything.

19. I am very creative and imaginative. I am good at visualization. I am also good at anything creative, like writing and photography.

20. I love the ocean. I could spend all day sitting by the oceanside just reading or writing or watching the waves flow gently to the shore. One day I will own a house on the ocean.

21. I am a country girl at heart. I prefer the quiet and tranquility that I get when I'm away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

22. I am currently trying to teach myself how to dance. I won't mention what type of dance because it's so not me.

23. I have a few important goals in my life. Well, I wrote up my own bucket list (things to accomplish before I kick the bucket), but these goals stand out: Publish a book, write an article with accompanying photos for National Geographic (hopefully an article about wolves), get married, and live happily ever after.

24. My favourite store is Little Mysteries in downtown Halifax. They sell everything that has to do with Paganism - books, stones, incense, clothing, jewelry, tarot decks, runes, DVDs, CDs, herbs, and so much more. I'm one of their biggest customers. I can never spend less than a couple hundred every time I'm in there.

25. I am currently in the process of soulsearching, and discovering who I am. It's a long neverending process, but I'm growing every day. I will become the person I always wanted to be. I have had a major epiphany recently, starting a series of changes.

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