Saturday, February 14, 2009

A Letter to Santa

Dear Santa,

I am sitting here alone on a stormy winter night. I'm reflecting on my life and I have but one request. I don't want toys, I don't want a new car. I don't need tickets to a faraway place. Material things aren't enough this year. If you can bring me but one thing, please bring me happiness.

Please take my world and make it stop spinning. I'm so dizzy that I can't think straight. Half the time I spend on my hands and knees trying to regain my balance. I can't stand. I feel as if someone pulled the rug from my feet.

Please give my life meaning. I have no direction now. I am lost in a forest and I need you to help me find my way.

Please bring my love back home. I miss him terribly and I am lonely without him. Let him know just how much I care about him.

Please bring me friends to spend time with. Friends who are there for me without hidden agendas. People who like me for me.

Please take away my depression. Take away the tears. Give me laughter for just one day. Make the pain go away.

Santa, all I ask is that you bring me happiness. Allow me to feel the joys of life, instead of being afraid of life. Show me how to live my life to the fullest.

I want to look into my stocking and find just a handful of happy. Just long enough to last for one day. That's all I ask. I just want one day.

Wishing you all the best,

***This letter was written on December 23rd, 2008. I only now decided to post it on my blog.***

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