Saturday, February 14, 2009

Time for Something Positive...

I don't know if anyone even bothers to read my notes. I realized just how depressing my last note was. I guess I was just really upset. Now I want to try something a little more positive. Ironically, I have what I call a Positivity Journal. It's not like my regular journal. My regular journal has my daily happenings, and thoughts, whether good or bad. With my positivity journal, I am required to think of one positive thing that happened every day, or something positive I thought about. I started off the journal with what I'm grateful for. Here's some of my list:

I Am Grateful For...

My wonderful boyfriend Steve
My cat Shadow
My tarantula Arachnia
My spirituality
My family
My health
My country
My travels
My love for animals

If anyone reads this note of mine, I encourage you to think about what you're grateful for. And never forget, like I did earlier. Thanks for reading.

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