Saturday, February 14, 2009

Know Why You Believe What You Believe

As some people may know, I'm a Wiccan. I once heard a wise man say, "Know why you believe what you believe." Everyone has a different path. What's right for me, may not be right for you, and vice versa.

I would like to explain why I chose Wicca. It's not because it's cool or a fad, or because of a TV show. I thought long and hard and did a ton of research before committing myself to this path.

Wicca is a nature religion. I respect the Earth. I always felt drawn to nature.

Most Wiccans follow the Rede: An' it harm none, do as thou wilt. That seems to say it all, doesn't it? I find that I have been thinking long and hard about everything I do, because I also believe that whatever I do comes back to me threefold.

I like how open-minded most Wiccans are. The religion doesn't discriminate against gender, race, sexual orientation, or even other religions. I felt welcome, just as I am.

I like the idea of having a Goddess and a God. I don't like the patriarchy of other religions. It feels like there's something missing. There's no balance without having the female aspect. Balance is very important.

I love that I can practice solitary. My relationship with the Goddess and God is a personal one and sometimes I find it easier on my own. Other times, it's good to practice in a coven.

I'll admit, I also enjoy the magick that I do, but the religion side of Wicca has always been more important to me.

I will admit I came from a Christian background. I didn't go to church often because it never felt right to me. A lot of things didn't make sense. It may be fine for someone who believes in those things, but it just wasn't for me. One thing I never understood is the concept of sin. I thought it was pessimistic to always think of myself as a sinner. And it always seemed like I was doing something wrong...and that made me more of a sinner.

I hope I'm not offending anyone. I'm just being honest about my beliefs and why I chose this religious path. There are a lot of people who follow a religion because of their parents, or because the religion seems cool, or any number of reasons. All I say is that before you believe something, know why you believe in it. And please don't force your beliefs on others. Everyone is entitled to their own belief system. I don't know why the world can't be more accepting. I know there are a lot of stereotypes out there about Wicca and other Pagan religions. I won't get into that here.

The best part about being a Wiccan, is that ever since I found this path several years ago, it has helped me learn and grow into a better person. Isn't that what religion and spirituality is all about? It doesn't matter what your path is, whether you're Wiccan, Druid, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Islamic, or even Athiest...or any of the other countless religions out there. As long as you know why you believe what you believe, and are happy, then that's all that matters.

Well, I hope you enjoyed my note. Blessed be!

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