Saturday, January 31, 2009

Who I Am

I am Kelly. What you see is what you get. I am almost 30 years old. I am a proud Canadian. I am a daughter, a sister, and a girlfriend. I am different. I am unique.

I am shy. I'm introverted, but that does not make me a snob. I am emotional, but not a crybaby. I enjoy alone time, but I love people. I am kind. I would do anything for anyone. I would never hurt anyone, even if they hurt me. I am respectful to others, even when I don't get the same respect in return. I care about everyone. I once cared about people who didn't care about me. People who used me and stabbed me in the back. I moved on. I don't lie, cheat, or steal. I have morals. I am polite. I don't care if people tease me for saying please and thank you. I am pro-life and against abortion and capital punishment. I am aginst torture of any kind. I am pro-choice and support gay marriage and all the various freedoms. I am tolerant of other people and I realize that no two people are the same or ever will be. I believe that if everyone was exactly the same and thought the same way, the world would be a boring place to live. I don't give into peer pressure. That has made me unpopular over the years, but at least I'm dancing to the right drummer for me. I refuse to go with the crowd. I'm not into the latest fads. I care about our environment. Mother Earth is beautiful and she's the only one we've got. I pick up litter from the ground and had more than one person stare at me. I don't care because it's something I believe in. I am not two-faced. I am the same person around everyone. I have very few friends, but I'm with tem until the end.

I am a spiritual being. I am a soulsearcher. I am a Wiccan. I am a Witch. My witch name is Aurora MoonWolf. I worship Egyptian gods and goddesses. My matron goddess is Bast, the Cat Goddess. I am an empath. I am a tarot reader. I'm a dream interpreter. I'm a psychic. I follow the cycles of nature. I celebrate the full moon. I study the various religions of the world and own several sacred texts.

I am creative. I am imaginative. I'm a dreamer. I'm romantic. I am a lefty, a southpaw. I refuse to change that just so I can use different things that are built for righthanders. I make videos for YouTube about a wide range of topics.

I am a photographer. I am a reader. I am a writer. I love to hike, I love to bike. I love to travel. I've been to Europe, the US, and several provinces. I am a Halifax Explosion history buff, and am writing a fictional romance story centred around the event. I love all history. I am an animal lover. I support causes to help animals. I have a cat named Shadow and a tarantula named Arachnia. I collect stones of all kinds. I collect postcards. I love music and believe it speaks to me like nothing else can. Music helps me through any problem I am having. I love to fly. I occasionally enjoy a shot of tequila. I am into old school video games like Pac-Man and Mario. I love all the seasons. I love the ocean. I love wearing dark colours.

I am an eternal 80s child. I grew up in the 80s and I still love all the music and shows from back then. They don't make good music and TV like they used to. My favourite shows are the Golden Girls and the Facts of Life. I am also a huge fan of the Simpsons and can quote any episode. I find that there's always an episode that applies to where I am at in life.

This is me. People think I'm strange. People dislike me. People don't want to be around me. But this is me. If you don't like it, then I don't need you in my life. I am tired of the negativity and being treated like I don't matter. Because I do matter. And I want friends who support me without alterior motives. I need friends who are there for me. I am lucky to have a great family, a few good friends, and a wonderful boyfriend. These people see me for who I am inside and don't judge me.

This is me. If you don't like it, then that's your problem.

"So when I make a big mistake
When I fall flat on my face
I know I'll be alright
Should my tender heard be broken
I will cry those teardrops knowin'
I will be just find
'Cause nothin' changes who I am"
~Who I Am (Jessica Andrews)